Agda (programming language)

Paradigm(s) Functional
Stable release 2.3.0 (November 23, 2011; 2 months ago (2011-11-23))
Influenced by Coq, Epigram, Haskell
OS Cross-platform
License See LICENSE file
Usual filename extensions .agda, .lagda
Website Agda wiki

Agda is a proof assistant, i.e. a computer program that can check mathematical proofs. More specifically, it is an interactive system for developing constructive proofs based on the Curry-Howard correspondence in a variant of Per Martin-Löf's Type Theory. It can also be seen as a functional programming language with dependent types. Agda was developed by Ulf Norell, a postdoctoral researcher at Chalmers University of Technology.

Agda is based on the idea of direct manipulation of proof-term and not on tactics. The proof is a term, not a script. The language has ordinary programming constructs such as data-types and case-expressions, signatures and records, let-expressions and modules. The system has an Emacs interface and a graphical interface, Alfa.

Agda 2

The current version of Agda, Agda 2, has been developed at Chalmers by Ulf Norell. The syntax has changed from Agda 1 (though some conversion tools are being developed as well), introducing for instance, implicit variables that can be omitted when deducible from the context. Agda 2 also makes extensive use of Unicode as a way to obtain easily readable proofs.

Agda 2 provides either a commandline tool or a powerful Emacs mode, developed by Makoto Takeyama and Nils Anders Danielsson.

The 10th Agda Implementor's Meeting was held in Gothenburg in September 2009. AIM11 is scheduled for March in Japan.

Agda 2 is similar to Epigram.


External links